new heat and words from the brother BOOGIE BANG of Red Eye Blue (ISWHAT?! fam)
.... recently the comrade Boogie Bang released a new cut on bandcamp.. its a hot one .. so I asked him if he would just sent me a few words about his new work and how it came about ... so, here you have a little insight into the word of a master !! ENJOY !! Nap
BERLIN by BoogietheBang
The track itself came about cause i was rocking a joint with one of the overseas
homes chill ill, he had sent me a number of beats to listen to and also to rock to, this
joint franks the kid sent me was sick i tell you sick, so i went in wrote the song
recorded it and sent it back to the homie, he was like "i like it but that beat is for my
album" so after trying to get him to change his mind which he didn't, i decided a
few days later to dust of the old mpc and i went about crafting the joint BERLIN.
I was snatching drums out of my vast archive of drum sounds dropping em in the
mp for that mpc effect, after that i found the samples on youtube as random movie
grabs after putting it together and i had a nice groove going i had to fit the spirit of
the joint to the track, no sweat after the vox were done and the beat was laid i sat
with it for a few weeks building and adding and taking away a little at a time till i got
it where i needed to be then i started the sequencing, thats where i rock all the
drum breaks glitches and other assorted witchcraft to make the joint stand out.
The main break i wanted to be real tribal and listener accessible as far as being
able to hear this track and not only headed but also get the hands moving and
clapping thats when you've really connected with a joint when the body begins to
participate in ways that the ear can't interpret.
Once all the breaks were straight and every thing was in place i sent it to my lil
brother and other half of REDEYEBLUE the DJ known as EKWALITY he added the
flavor with the scratches which i didn't feel comfortable not having on a track this
centered on the hip hop aesthetic and being a testament to the growing movement
of cross continental collaboration, after all was said and done i sent the joint off to
redsecta out in cali to master the joint, the rest well the rest is in ya earhole
homie, thanks